61. For the given set of functional dependency F, it’s closure is denoted as 

A : F+ 

B : F

C : F* 

D : F_

Ans: A

62. What do you mean by one to many relationship between Teacher and Class table? 

A : One class may have many teachers 

B : One teacher can have many classes 

C : One teacher can have one class 

D : Many teachers may have many classes 

Ans: B

63. Data redundancy may lead to: 

A : Data integrity 

B : Atomicity problem 

C : Data inconsistency 

D : Data abstraction 

Ans: C

64. Which one of the following uniquely identifies the elements in the relation? 

A : Primary key 

B : Secondary Key 

C : Foreign key 

D : Composite key 

Ans: A

65. The conceptual model is_________. 

A : Dependent on hardware 

B : Dependent on software. 

C : Dependent on both hardware and software 

D : Independent of both hardware and software 

Ans: D

66. All aggregate functions except _____ ignore null values in their input collection. 

A : Count(attribute) 

B : Count(*) 

C : Avg 

D : Sum 

Ans: B

67. The database environment has all of the following components except________ 

A : Users. 

B : Separate files 

C : Database. 

D : Database administrator 

Ans: B

68. In which state one gathers and list all the necessary fields for the database design project.

A : Data Definition 

B : Data Refinement 

C : Establishing Relationship 

D : Data deletion 

Ans: A

69. This key that uniquely identifies each record is called 

A : Primary Key 

B : Key Record 

C : Unique Key 

D : Field Name  

Ans: A

70. Hierarchical model is also called_________. 

A : Tree structure 

B : Plex Structure 

C : Normalize Structure 

D : Table Structure 

Ans: A

71. In an Entity-Relationship Diagram “Diamonds” represents__________________ 

A : Attributes 

B : Multi-valued attributes 

C : Weak entity set 

D : Relationship sets 

Ans: D

72. Which of the following attribute can be further divided into subparts 

A : Simple attribute 

B : Multivalued attribute 

C : Composite attribute 

D : Derived attribute 

Ans: C

73. Who is more concerned about the conceptual level of the DBMS 

A : The Systems programmer 

B : The end user 

C : Client 

D : DBA 

Ans: D

74. Which of the following is the structure of the Database? 

A : Table 

B : . Schema 

C : Relation 

D : Structure 

Ans: B

75. The users who use easy-to-use menu are called 

A : Sophisticated end users 

B : Naïve users 

C : Stand-alone users 

D : Casual end user 

Ans: B

76. A data dictionary is a repository that manages _____ 

A : Memory 

B : Metadata 

C : Spell Checker 

D : Data Validator  

Ans: B

77. E-R model uses this symbol to represent weak entity set ? 

A : Dotted rectangle 

B : Diamond 

C : Doubly outlined rectangle 

D : Dotted diamond 

Ans: C

78. In E-R diagram generalization is represented by 

A : Ellipse 

B : Dashed ellipse 

C : Rectangle 

D : Triangle 

Ans: D

79. In SQL ‘relation A contains relation B’ can be written as 

A : Not exists B except A 

B : exists B except A 

C : Not exists A except B 

D : exists A except B 

Ans: A

80. In E-R Diagram derived attribute are represented by________. 

A : Ellipse 

B : Dashed ellipse 

C : Rectangle 

D : Triangle

Ans: B


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