Business Analytics & Intelligence - Set 5
1] How many phases does a data analytics life cycle contain?
i. 4 ii. 3
iii.6 iv. 5ANSWER : C
2] In which phase of the data analytics life cycle, we define the business problem as an analytics challenge?
i. Model Planning ii. Data Discovery
iii. Operationalization iv. Data Preparation
3] ________ describes any type of processing performed on raw data to prepare it for another processing procedure.
i. Data Modeling ii. Data Processing
iii. Data Transformation iv. Data Pre-ProcessingANSWER : D
4] Which task in Data Preparation fills in missing values, smooth’s noisy data, removes outliers, and resolves inconsistencies.
i. Data Cleaning ii. Data Transformation
iii. Data Integration iv. Data reductionANSWER : A
5] Integration of multiple databases, data cubes, or files is done in:
i. Data Transformation ii. Data discretization
iii. Data Cleaning iv. None of these
6] What is performed in Data transformation:
i. Normalization ii. Aggregation
iii. Both i and ii iv. None of these
7] Which of the following is not a form of Data Preprocessing:
i. Data Cleaning ii. Data Integration
iii. Data Validation iv. Data Reduction
8] State true or false:
Data discretization is a part of data reduction but with particular importance, especially for numerical data.
i. True ii. False
9] Whose applications use visual tools such as geographical maps, pivot-tables, and heat-maps to make the process of finding patterns:
i. Data Modeling ii. Data Discovery
iii. Data Integration iv. None of these
10] What are the characteristics of dirty data:
i. Incomplete ii. Noisy
iii. Inconsistent iv. All of the above
11] Which of the following are standardization techniques:
i. Decimal Scaling method ii. Min-Max method
iii. Z-index method iv. All of these
12] Let income range $12,000 to $98,000 normalized to [0.0, 1.0]. Then $73,000 is mapped to(use min-max normalization):
i. 0.716 ii. 0.512
iii. 0.235 iv. 0.87213] State true or false:
Data cleansing differs from data validation in that validation almost invariably means data is rejected from the system at entry and is performed at entry time, rather than on batches of data.
i. True ii. FalseANSWER : A
14] ____ involves combining data residing in different sources and providing users with a unified view of these data.
i. Data Discretization ii. Data Integration
iii. Data Reduction iv. None of these
15] Which of the following are Data Integration tools:
i. Alteryx ii. Analytics Canvas
iii. Rapid Miner Studio iv. All of these
16] Which of the following does not come in the three main criteria to determine whether a data reduction technique should be used:
i. Efficiency ii. Complexity
iii. Accuracy iv. SimplicityANSWER : B
17] Discovery is
i. It is hidden within a database and can only be recovered if one is given certain clues (an example IS encrypted information).
ii. The process of executing implicit previously unknown and potentially useful information from data.
iii. An extremely complex molecule that occurs in human chromosomes and that carries genetic information in the form of genes.
iv. None of these
18] ______ which selects a representative subset from a large population of data.
i. Sampling ii. Transforming
iii. Feature Extraction iv. None of theseANSWER : A
19] It is a process which pulls out specified data that is significant in some particular context:
i. Sampling ii. Feature Extraction
iii. Both I and II iv. None of these
20] What becomes increasingly important in cases of merging systems of two companies or consolidating applications within one company to provide a unified view of the company's data assets.
i. Data Modeling ii. Model Building
iii. Data Integration iv. All of these.