61. To form a physical memory address, appropriate segment register contents are
a) shifted by left by 4 positions
b) added to 16-bit offset address
c) operated using one of addressing modes
d) all of the mentioned

Answer: d 

62. The segments in 80386 real mode are
a) overlapped
b) non-overlapped
c) either overlapped or non-overlapped
d) none of the mentioned

Answer: c 

63. The operation that can be performed on segments in 80386 real mode is
a) read
b) write
c) execute
d) all of the mentioned

Answer: d 

64. The selectors contain the segment’s
a) segment limit
b) base address
c) access rights byte
d) all of the mentioned

Answer: d 

65. The linear address is calculated by
a) effective address + segment base address
b) effective address – segment base address
c) effective address + physical address
d) effective address – physical address

Answer: a 

66. If the paging unit is enabled, then it converts linear address into
a) effective address
b) physical address
c) segment base address
d) none of the mentioned

Answer: b

67. If the paging unit is disabled, then the linear address is used as
a) effective address
b) physical address
c) segment base address
d) none of the mentioned

Answer: b 

68. The paging unit is enabled only in
a) virtual mode
b) addressing mode
c) protected mode
d) none of the mentioned

Answer: c

69. For a single task in protected mode, the 80386 can address the virtual memory of
a) 32 GB
b) 64 MB
c) 32 TB
d) 64 TB

Answer: d 

70. The bit that indicates whether the segment has been accessed by the CPU or not is
a) base address
b) attribute bit
c) present bit
d) granularity bit

Answer: b

71. The TYPE field of descriptor is used to find the
a) descriptor type
b) segment type
c) descriptor and segment type
d) none

Answer: c 

72. If the segment descriptor bit, S=0, then the descriptor is
a) data segment descriptor
b) code segment descriptor
c) system descriptor
d) all of the mentioned

Answer: c 

73. The bit that indicates whether the segment is page addressable is
a) base address
b) attribute bit
c) present bit
d) granularity bit

Answer: d 

74. If the Default operation size bit, D=1, the code segment operation size selected is
a) 8-bit
b) 16-bit
c) 32-bit
d) 64-bit

Answer: c 

75. The segment descriptor contains
a) access rights
b) limit
c) base address
d) all of the mentioned

Answer: d

76. Which of the following is not a type of segment descriptor?
a) system descriptors
b) local descriptors
c) gate descriptors
d) none

Answer: d 

77. The limit field of the descriptor is of
a) 10 bits
b) 8 bits
c) 16 bits
d) 20 bits

Answer: d

78. The starting address of the segment in physical memory is decided by
a) physical memory
b) segment descriptors
c) operating system
d) base address

Answer: c 

79. The total descriptors that the 80386 can handle is
a) 2K
b) 8K
c) 4K
d) 16K

Answer: d 

80. The advantage of pages in paging is
a) no logical relation with program
b) no need of entire segment of task in physical memory
c) reduction of memory requirement for task
d) all of the mentioned

Answer: d 

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