41. Which of the following is a system segment register?
d) none of the mentioned

Answer: b 

42. The test register(s) that is provided by 80386 for page caching is
a) test control registers
b) page cache registers
c) test control and test status registers
d) test control and page cache registers

Answer: c 

43. Among eight debug registers, DR0-DR7, the registers that are reserved by Intel are
a) DR0, DR1, DR2
b) DR4, DR5
c) DR1, DR4
d) DR5, DR6, DR7

Answer: b 

44. The registers that are used to store four program controllable break point addresses are
a) DR5-DR7
b) DR0-DR1
c) DR6-DR7
d) DR0-DR3

Answer: d

45. The register DR6 hold
a) break point status
b) break point control information
c) break point status and break point control information
d) none of the mentioned

Answer: a 

46. The flag bits that indicate the privilege level of current IO operations are
a) virtual mode flag bits
b) IOPL flag bits
c) resume flag bits
d) none of the mentioned

Answer: b 

47. The registers that are not available for programmers are
a) data and address registers
b) instruction pointers
c) segment descriptor registers
d) flag registers

Answer: c 

48. Which of the following is not a scale factor of addressing modes of 80386?
a) 2
b) 4
c) 6
d) 8

Answer: c 

49. Contents of an index register are multiplied by a scale factor that may be added further to get the operand offset in
a) base scaled indexed mode
b) scaled indexed mode
c) indexed mode
d) none of the mentioned

Answer: b 

50. Contents of an index register are multiplied by a scale factor and then added to base register to get the operand offset in
a) base scaled indexed mode
b) scaled indexed mode
c) indexed mode
d) none of the mentioned

Answer: a 

51. In based scaled indexed mode with displacement mode, the contents of an index register are multiplied by a scale factor and are added to
a) base register
b) displacement
c) base register and displacement
d) none of the mentioned

Answer: c 

52. The following statement of ALP is an example of MOV EBX, [EDX*4] [ECX]
a) base scaled indexed mode
b) scaled indexed mode
c) indexed mode
d) based scaled indexed mode with displacement mode

Answer: a 

53. The following statement is an example of MOV EBX, LIST [ESI*2] MUL ECX, LIST [EBP*4] a) base scaled indexed mode
b) scaled indexed mode
c) indexed mode
d) based scaled indexed mode with displacement mode

Answer: b 

54. Bit field can be defined as a group of
a) 8 bits
b) 16 bits
c) 32 bits
d) 64 bits

Answer: c 

55. The maximum length of the string in a bit string of contiguous bits is
a) 2 MB
b) 4 MB
c) 2 GB
d) 4 GB

Answer: c

56. The integer word is defined as
a) signed 8-bit data
b) unsigned 16-bit data
c) signed 16-bit data
d) signed 32-bit data

Answer: c

57. A 16-bit displacement that references a memory location using any of the addressing modes is
a) pointer
b) character
c) BCD
d) offset

Answer: d 

58. A decimal digit can be represented by
a) unsigned integer
b) signed integer
c) unpacked BCD
d) packed BCD

Answer: c 

59. The instructions available in the 80386 that are not available in its real address mode is
a) addressing techniques
b) instructions for protected address mode
c) instructions for interrupt handling
d) all of the mentioned

Answer: b 

60. The unit that is disabled in real address mode is
a) central processing unit
b) memory management unit
c) paging unit
d) bus control unit

Answer: c

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